10 challenges all writers face and how to handle them

10 challenges all writers face and how to handle them

Many people want to put their ideas on paper for posterity but they face challenges and give up. Every challenge presents an opportunity and every problem has a solution. The world over writers are facing challenges, this blog shares them and also solutions.

Here are challenges writers face and the way to handle them.

Fear of Rejection.

The most painful thing a writer can go through is when one pours their heart out through writing only for them to get their work rejected by the publisher. Many writers fear this and they see no need of concentrating on their work, working tirelessly and draining their energy for them to get no offer at all. But when you think about this, then you are not a writer and will never be one. Every successful writer did not make it to the publisher the first time but most of them took positively the recommendations that came with the rejection of their submissions and worked on them. When you write, be confident with your work and trust your creativity.

Financial Constraints.

Many people who have great ideas lack financial muscle to see them through. As a writer, you might have the idea, you may write a great story but lack money to publish it and get it out there. That is where you have to source for partners and mentors to help you out because there is no problem in the world without a solution. Also you might look at the option of self publishing to reduce on the costs or publish your stories online through setting up your website.

Dream of overnight Success.

Success is not earned overnight but only when one sticks to one work and do it with all of their heart. Many writers write and want to feel the blissing moments right after that without understanding that fruits come after caring for the tree over a long period of time. When you write, it is an investment where the fruits will come later, so you have to be patient and wait a little longer. Patience pays and there is  no gain without pain.

Lack of information.

When you want to look at the future, you got to stand on the shoulders of the giants. To be a good writer you have to read widely. Also get into the circle of other writers to get mentorship and coaching. Writing without having full information of what you are writing about will make your story not get out into the world. Read good books, listen to the wisdom of other writers, take up writing courses, learn anything and everything about writing and you will be on your way to a great career as a writer.

Walking The Journey alone.

To succeed you need the right people in your life but not the whole crowd. Being a writer is no easy and every time you need someone to stretch their helping hand when the hill becomes steeper and slippery. In a writer’s life, there is no room for tracking alone, one needs to have mentors, partners and loved ones. These people are the foundation for you to build your writing career on and the stairs that will take you to the pinnacle of success. When you walk with someone, they can give you advice and help you, when you have people around you as a writer, they will give you ideas and moral support to keep on writing.

Trying to Please Everyone.

When you write and try to please everyone at the same time, then you will get stuck at the same place. At no point will you be able to make everyone get along with you, this you have to understand. So when writing, there comes a time when you have to put your foot on the ground and do what you believe in. You might loose some friends now but you will gain true friends in the future. Write to please yourself first, everyone else will come later.

Not understanding Your Niche.

Many writers overwrite but in the real sense write nothing at all because they write anything and everything without understanding their niche. At first when you start off as a writer it is good to know your niche because that is how you will succeed. Be a general writer at first until you find something that flows easily with you and that will be your niche. When you find your niche, you will not struggle to write because everything will flow easily.

No clear Schedule.

When you do not plan in life, then you are planning to fail. The challenges writers face is not having a clear laid down plan on when to write and for how long each day. If you want to succeed as a writer, then you have to make a daily schedule and stick to it. One way of succeeding in life is making the right decision and being discipline enough to follow it through. Do not just write when you want to, but always write because you have to, and within no time your mind will make it a routine.

Not doing enough Research.

It is always good to know the current affairs affecting humanity and also the history of the world and humanity. This way you can write truthfully what really affects humanity. Many writers do not research well and they end up coming with half baked stories which get rejected by the publishers. But when one writes in reality, then the story will stir up the mind of the audience. It is good to research well on the subject you want to write about so as to gather all the facts possible and create not only and enticing story but one that teaches something to the world.

Lack of self Discipline.

Every obstacle hides success, every hitch presents an opportunity, but everything depends on how the mind decides. Being a writer is not about taking a pen and jotting down some lines on a piece of paper, it is more than that. You have to take responsibility for every decision you take, and be disciplined enough to pacify yourself. Writing requires a lot of concentration and how you behave when alone matters a lot. If you are a responsible person when with people but an indiscipline one when alone, then writing is not your cup of tea. Have self discipline and this helps you become a responsible writer.


Everyone can write but not everyone can write well. A writer puts their thoughts onto a paper and their ideas travel throughout the world to teach and inspire. Many writers are anxious about their work and they feel naked when they put their thoughts across not knowing how the world will react. However, writing like any other task has challenges and needs a sober ,patient and understanding mind to succeed. If you want to write do not fear the challenges but start today and face every obstacle on the way with confidence and stoicism. Set you goal, write with focus and work your way towards success.

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