20 Quotes for Confidence
Everyone wants to succeed in their life. To do that, one needs confidence to find their way around the intricate web of life.
These quotes will inspire you to have confidence in your life again; read on
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“Always get up wanting to fulfill your dreams and retire to bed in the evening with a contented heart”.
Born into this world means you have a purpose to fulfill, find that purpose and you will live a fulfilled life.
“When the road of life gets filled up with hitches, look over the horizon for another road but never change the direction to your goal”.
Everyone faces uncertainties at one point in their lifetime, it is how they get back to track that matters. You got to never give up on your dreams.
“Be kind to yourself, you have faced many challenges but you are still standing up, you can face a lot more and come out strong”.
The last thing you got to loose in life is hope but never do it. Every problem that comes your way teaches you something and strengthens you to face the world again.
“You were not born to be a failure, but to win in your area of gifting, so never accept to fail in life”.
Everyone has their talent which they can gift to the world. You will do well when you realize your potential and use it for a greater purpose in the society.
“The friends you keep can inspire you to succeed or fail in your life, be wary of the company you are in”.
A man’s worth is measured by the circle of friends he has, if they are good he will succeed, and if they are bad, his life will be ruined.
“Set a goal and draw a plan on how to fulfill it, then follow the plan and never get your eyes off the goal”.
The irony of life is that everyone wants to succeed but without a clear plan and if there is, one hitch makes one get distracted from their goal.
“Patience is key, when you have it you will be having an element of success in your life, without it challenges will get the better of you”.
Like a battle, the one who has patience will sit down and strategize to win, but the one without patience will fight without a plan and loose.
“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle in their life, be kind to them and the universe will be kind to you”.
The universe is like a bank, whatever you put in will come to you with interest, if you help someone today, tomorrow you will get help from someone else.
“Always look at every problem you face as a stepping stone to success, and every opportunity as a reward for your kindness and hard work”.
When a problem surfaces in your life, it is either to teach you a lesson or to give you success from a different angle, do not whine over it but face it with brevity.
“Understand that you do not own all the problems in the world, you got to do your part and let others do their part”.
Trying to please everyone by being there for everyone facing a tough life will drain your energy, just help those you can but do not stop, you have a destination to reach.
“When you taste success be humble because you are not the first one, when life gets bitter be hopeful for you will not be the last one”.
Life will not be smooth to you, some days you will have and other days you will not have. You have to know how to react to each situation.
“Never hate who you are for you are unique and no one will live your life but you alone”.
People will try to bring you down by their words and actions. If you let their words get into your mind, you will hate yourself. Love yourself for who you are and live your life to the best.
“Always stand for what you believe in, everyone may not like you for that but your mind and soul will be at peace”.
Do not change your stand because someone else thinks your idea will not work but because you believe that it will work better for a good cause.
“Never accept mediocrity in your life, never settle for less than you deserve because that will make you an average person”.
Have a standard in life and do not go for anything less than your standard; you will earn respect and love from those you meet in life.
“Let your dreams come first in everything you do and every action you take in your life”.
When you put your goals first, then anything that comes after will take the queue, and you will not get distracted by the delicacies of the world but fix your eyes on your dream.
“To inspire confidence in yourself, do not put others down for you to succeed but talk confidence into them; their success means success for you too”.
When you pull others because you want to get ahead of everyone else, then the view up there will be lonely instead of serene, and when you fall down, no one will have your back.
“Accept who you are, own your mistakes, take responsibility for your decisions and make amends with those you have hurt”.
A good person is the one who realizes his mistake but a better one is that who owns them up and seek forgiveness from those he has hurt. When you wrong someone, seek their forgiveness.
“To succeed in life, you need to stand on the shoulders of the giants and walk in their steps”.
Everyone needs someone in their life for them to succeed, find those people who can bring out the best in you and inspire confidence in you and you will succeed.
“The world is a big playing field but to score a goal, you got to keep running in your lane and ensure you have the ball”.
People have their eyes fixed on the goal but they do not realize they are off the track already, do not get off the track and you will succeed.
“The small things in life matter a lot and go a long way to build the foundation of success, so consider the small details”.
When someone helps you out be thankful, when they succeed compliment them. Because you want others to be happy for you, be happy for them.
To succeed in this world you need confidence as one of the elements of success. When you inspire confidence in others, it will come back to you tenfold. Do not lose your confidence as it is a catalyst that will trigger you to work hard for success.Today forgive your past and choose to be the best, choose to fulfill your dreams, choose confidence.