Can a Woman Be a Female Misogynist?

Can a Woman Be a Female Misogynist?

The nature of a woman is a creation to be loved and appreciated. Misogyny is hatred or dislike of women, and it is a trait that can be held by people of either gender.

Can a woman be a female misogynist? Such a question might arise. The only way to answer it is by understanding it

This article will explore different forms of female misogyny, the causes and its effects on the societal norms.

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Forms of Female Misogyny

  • Verbal abuse.
  • Gender Bias.
  • Double Standards in Workplace.

Verbal abuse

Female misogynist can display behaviours such as belittling other women and talking negative about them. They do so mostly in the presence of other people and this creates anxiety and lowers the image and dignity of the victim. Those who verbally abuse others are the ones in a higher position because they see other women either as a threat to their comfort zone or undeserving of love or any right.

Gender Bias

Due to the society being largely patriarchal, women internalize the belief that they should submit to men and this in turn will have negative thoughts against those who struggle for the rights of women. While men may also be biased towards female gender, women can do the same and perpetuate this belief through their own attitude and actions towards other women.

Double Standards in Workplace

Women with misogynistic traits will not support other women in the workplace but will even participate in pulling them down. If they are in a position to recommend a woman for a promotion or leadership role at workplace, they will pass them over and give the opportunity to someone else. This behavior always has negative impact on the mental health of the victims. It creates a sense of low self-esteem as they will feel unwanted and not fit to have a voice or make suggestions in their line of their duties. It will give them a leeway to be lone rangers instead of being a team player and this affects the efficiency of work.

Causes of Female Misogyny

Cultural beliefs: The belief that a woman does not have any opinion on matters even to do with their lives but should let the male gender make decisions for them creates a negative impression amongst women. Many women will accept that belief as a norm and will fight off any woman who tries to give them freedom. Instead of welcoming those who are struggling for equal rights for everyone, female misogynists will oppose them because they believe they have no right to speak up against inequality.

Peer Pressure: The desire to conform to societal status and be in the right circle of friends can make some women cut off their friends whom they deem as making them lose face. They can resort to gossiping or spreading rumors about other women and excluding them from social groups because they don’t want to be seen with those who are at the bottom of the pyramid.

Patriarchal Society: When growing up, women are filled up with beliefs that they should be accommodative, beautiful and do the men’s bidding. When they fail to do this, they are ostracized and this creates a feeling of self judgment and often leads to internal misogyny which in turn will be reflected in the attitude towards other women who do not conform to these traditions.

Competition amongst Women: Women naturally want attention and they may be pitted against each other in different settings like workplace or relationships. In order for one to have everything they want to themselves, then they will tear each other down. Fighting the other person to gain advantage is the norm and this way, hatred will brood.

Yes, a female may have negative beliefs towards other women, and may act in a way that is dangerous to other women.  This belief normally lowers the social status of women in the society.  It is a trait that might come as a surprise but many women display misogynistic behavior and attitude, and might not know about it. Not only do women display misogynistic behaviors but so do men. Therefore it suffices to conclude that misogyny exists and can be found in all genders.  

Misogyny can make it difficult for women to unite and work towards common goals. They will be fighting each other while precious time of self development is wasting away. Eventually, it will be too late to correct the mistakes. For female solidarity, women should fight the stereotype that they cannot get along together. Also they should not believe that their worth is tied to their physical appearance but rather their intellectual strength and instead of cutting others down, they should hold their hands.


While misogyny has been traditionally associated with men, also women can be misogynistic. Even though they might not know about it or display it publicly, they will find themselves distancing themselves from other women. They will belittle other women and never give them a chance into their inner circle. While there has been struggle for equal rights for men and women, some women still harbor prejudicial behavior towards other women. It can come in form of verbal abuse or sexual harassment while sometimes it degenerates into physical violence.

 This behavior might arise due to past experiences, background or peer pressure which makes women have a self hating narrative and alienate themselves from befriending and loving those of same gender.

Finally, it is vital to acknowledge that misogyny is still prevalent in the society and acknowledge the fact that it affects both men and women. It is also important to recognize that women are not immune to misogyny. The only way to address this issue is to be open to each other and educate the society by having honest conversations on the negative effects of marginalizing one gender. By understanding that everyone is significant, each person will get a platform to exercise their freedom within the constraints of societal norms.

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