How Can I Maintain My Mental Health at Home?
Mental health is crucial to human growth and as such peace of mind is a need for one to have a well balanced life. Home is where we all feel a sense of belonging and become alive. But we must be cognizant of the fact that challenges may arise at home which will put this happiness on hold.
Being able to thrive in your own home means you are able to manage the stress and anxieties that emanate from the troubles of this world. This article will share various ways you can employ to achieve and maintain mental health in your home.
Related Article: What Does the Bible Say about Mental health?
How Can I Maintain My Mental Health at Home?
1)Mind exercise
The mind is the epicentre of your happiness, and you have to take care of it. When you think about positive things, you are feeding the mind with well intentioned ideas that will make it thrive. By feeding it negativity, you are inviting stress and anxiety to reign. When you make the mind sad, nothing positive will grow from it. Manage stress by walking away from anything that will deprive you of joy or make you anxious.
Immerse yourself in good books or educational videos that will infuse you with new ideas. And even when you feel that things are getting out of hand, do not hesitate to seek professional help. It is better to speak about your feelings to someone else who might help you, than to be sorry later.
2)Environment cleanliness
It is always important to live in an environment that makes you comfortable. The physical setting of your home matters a lot when it comes to mental health, for what you see triggers ideas in your mind. Unclutter your house and keep away what you actually don’t need. Making the place neat and clean makes it eye appealing. You will feel comfortable in such a place and your mind will be relaxed. Also keep the environment around your home clean. Plant more flowers and trees, to allow more fresh air in your home.
Allow enough natural light into your house and keep it well ventilated. Let the physical setting of your home be actually what you desire.
3)Family relations
Time with our families is short, today we are here tomorrow we are not. Spending time with your loved ones is a sure way of showing them that you care and you love time. Connect with them through every step of the journey you are together.. Visit places together and be there for each other through thick and thin. The family is the only place where you feel comfortable, relaxed and at peace. So do not break the family ties. When a family member errs and seeks amends, it is good to forgive and move on. Being in good terms with your family gives you peace of mind. When you have time for them, they will also have time for you. This makes you have a sense of belonging and feel calm and comfortable.
4)Vison, Dreams and Goals
Families have goals and dreams they want achieve during their lifetime. There are common and individual goals. When you support each member fulfil their dreams, it makes them happy. And when every family member is happy, then the whole family is. As a member of the family, make it a tradition to support both individualistic and common goals. Lay down the vision of the family together, then break it into smaller manageable tasks and let everyone play their part. If things don’t go as planned, have each others back, do not put blame on others. Go back to the drawing board and start again. When each member feels free to share their opinion, it makes everyone comfortable and gives you peace of mind.
5)Norms and Ethics
You can’t confront what you don’t know, likewise you cannot blame others when they break the rules which you never told them. Every family has its traditions and a strong family is where everyone plays their role. It is important to involve every family member when setting the rules. It is also good to make every family member understand the importance of having the rules and why they should follow them. This way it makes it easy for everyone.
Some might falter along the way, so do not abandon them. Hold your hands together and lift up those who have fallen. Walk together side by side so that you protect each other from making a mistake.
6)Social support Groups
Getting involved in community functions or social groups is one way of shaking of the anxieties of life. When you go to church or social groups, you meet with others with different views about life, different goals and visions. This change of environment will inspire you to think differently. It is also a kind of relief from staying in the same place, so it is good to find social groups to belong to and share ideas and experiences with others. This makes your mind have positive thoughts and cope with life easily. This feeling gives you peace of mind, it ensures your mental well being.
7)Physical wellbeing
The body needs to be healthy for the mind to work well. A healthy body keeps you in good moods. Make it a routine to exercise, it allows improved blood circulation and this helps to reduce diseases like hypertension. Taking a morning walk, going to gym, working on your flower garden and more are some of the simple exercises you can immerse yourself in. They might seem simple but in real they make a big change.
Also check on what you eat. The food that goes into your body matters a lot. Take fresh food, more fruits and more water. Avoid processed food whenever possible.
8)Emotional wellbeing
You must be alive to the fact that not every member of your family will live according to your wishes. They will pursue their individual paths at some point. It is good to give them room to grow and make their own life. Do not let your emotions get in the way and you withdraw your support for them.
Know how to live well with all family members. Let the channels of communication be open to everyone, encourage dialogue and mutual support. This will make life easier for everyone and give you inner peace.
Mental health prioritization is not about being selfish. It is about caring for yourself and others too. It is a state of making sure you are in the right state of mind to be of help to others. Therefore, it is important to cultivate a positive environment and make your home a palace that befits your presence. Try to get along with everyone, solve your issues amicably, support each other and let everyone’s opinion count, then happiness and joy will thrive in your home, and you will be at peace.
Take time to asses yourself honestly and see if you exhibit any signs of mental problem. If it happens to be so, you can take quick steps to arrest the problem early before it gets too far. Follow the above tips and unlock the journey to achieving your mental health.