How Do I Find My True Passion for a Career?

How Do I Find My True Passion for a Career?

Passion is a process of self discovery that fulfils us and gives a purpose  in our lives. Without passion, we sometimes fail to realize our dreams and fulfill our vision. Identifying our passion is the first step to accomplishing our desires and the dreams we have about our future life. But many people don’t find it easy to discover their passions due to many distractions along the way. The process of identifying your passion is not an easy one, it is so delicate and complex demanding patience. It demands anyone who wants to discover it to take one step at a time.

Mostly, those things which excite you will have a bearing on what your passion is. Even with many distractions, those things which make you lively are worth pursuing because they can be a determining factor to leading a more fulfilling and rewarding career. This article will state various ways which one can use to find their true passion.

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Ways to Uncover Your Passion?

1. Understand your emotions

Emotions are your guide into what is working out for you and what is not. There are activities which brings out the vibe in you, making you so absorbed that you sometimes loose track of time. 

Find those things which energize you when you do, the activities that make you feel alive. Maybe it is helping the aged, playing with little children or writing inspirational books and many more.

If these activities light you up and stir positive emotions in you, then you will know that is where your passion lies. Immerse yourself in such activities and not only will you be having joy in your life, but will also be living your true passion.

2. Pursue your interests

There are many things which excited you even during your childhood but maybe your never knew if they are manifesting your passion.

When you revisit those experiences, it will  help shape your thoughts and direct your mind to pursue things and ideas which are more interesting to you.

By pursuing your interests, you will be making a firm commitment that you are not only ready to try out each of your interests but you are ready to make a difference through them. There are activities which you like doing in your free time and they bring you happiness and joy, and you should pursue them.

3. Explore different areas

Do not be afraid to explore different areas even if you encounter failures.  It is better to try and fail than to sit and wait for luck to carry you to your destination.

Some areas will prove hard for you and others will be easy, in some you will find difficulties while others you will overcome.

Prepare yourself like you are going to a battle and be ready to accept the outcomes for a times you win and sometimes you loose.

But never give up , get up and try again. Be ready to step out of your comfort zone and try new things because that is when you will get to discover new areas of interests and in the end find out your passion.

4. Listen to what others are saying

Others may clearly see our strengths and what we are really passionate about without us noticing it. It is vital that you listen to those around you, family and close friends because they will tell you the truth for they want the best for you.

Their observations are valuable and may help you discern interests that you may have overlooked. It can also provide insights into other qualities that make you stand out.

By listening to them and taking into account their feedback, you will be able to identify hidden strengths, interests and traits that can help you understand more about your passion.

5. Find a strong network

Even when you got passion about something, you cannot accomplish it without the help of others. Find a strong network of people who will be there to lift you up.

They will not only give you feedback but will also be you destiny connectors, helping to catapult you into realizing your passion and fulfilling your dreams. Friends will help you find your destiny, protect you, walk with you throughout your vision and even bring others on board.

By having a strong network of friends, they will make you increase your self-esteem and have confidence in what you believe in.

6. Find your true North

What always keeps you intrigued in life? What questions always linger in your mind and will disturb your sleep? What makes you feel low if it is not done? Asking yourself these type of  questions will help you find your true north. The true north is the purpose for your life, it is what you are meant to be in your life. It is a compass that will direct your life to the right track and connect you to your destiny. Finding your true north may not be easy but it is worth it. You are here in the world for a season but with a reason, but if you find your purpose, then you will fulfill your dreams and those of many others. Your true north is your passion.

7. Identify your strengths and talents

There are such activities that you do with less effort. Consider things that don’t take much of your time or energy but you still achieve them. Your passion is often intertwined with those activities that you do with so much ease but still get them right.

When you identify something that comes effortlessly to you, then you will have to pursue it to the end because it might have a bearing on your success.

And not only that, but it may also be your true passion. There are natural abilities and talents that will make you feel fulfilled when you explore them. Whenever you find a chance, then exploit those talents for you will learn from them your true passion.

8. Have a clear vision

You cannot lead a successful life without having a clear vision. In the words of a sage, a journey of a thousand miles always begins with a single step.

By having a vision, you will know where you want to go and then you will break it down into small and measurable goals which will guide you.

With a vision in hand your life will have a direction. The vision always comes from the life that you envision for yourself, the ideal life you will live in the future. By visualizing it you will ignite a passion in your heart and push yourself to begin living your ideal life.

Final thoughts

By identifying your passion, you will be transforming your life for the better and living your purpose. There are many ways to do discover your passion, one of which  is exploring many areas of your life.

This can uncover many hidden interests and strengths which excites your emotions and makes you feel alive. Listening to others is also another major factor that can lighten up your path to discovering your passion.

Others may see more about you than you already know, they can point out more traits of you. By paying attention to their observations, you will be starting the journey to know who you truly are. Also state your vision clearly because this is what drives your life.

A vision helps you live your future life in the present and will push you to work towards that ideal life. In all that you do today, you can use the above mentioned ways to discover your passion.

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