How Does Social Media Affect Mental Health?

How Does Social Media Affect Mental Health?

The digital era has heralded a new platform of communication in the form of social media. It has provided a platform where people can connect no matter the distance, share information and express their opinions. So it suffice to say social media has eased communication. In retrospect, it has also brought many challenges.

This article explores various effects of social media, both positive and negative on mental health. Also, ways in which to make social media influence can be managed.

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Positive impacts of Social media on Mental health

1. Source of Information

The power of social media in giving out information cannot be undermined. Almost every query that is affecting humanity, one can get an answer by just clicking a few websites. Being so resourceful, social media has connected many people together, creating a strong network where information can be shared.

2. Gives social support

Once in a while you find people coming together to help someone in need once they see a story about them on the social media. That’s the power of the media, it brings people together. Likewise, social media gives one support when they can relate with the stories of others. It gives them a chance to find a social circle to fit in and thus make them have a sense of belonging.

3. Skills development medium

When one looks up the internet, there are many courses that can help a person to upgrade their skills. Also, many colleges and universities are now moving to online learning because of the digital age. Right now, one can learn a skill from the comfort of their home by just reading through the endless courses that are available online.

4. Source of living

Social media has come as a boon for content creators. Many are able to earn now through it by creating content and posting them on the media by way of videos and writings. Tiktokers, Youtubers are able to earn money through their creativity. On the same breath, they help inspire millions of their followers through inspirational journeys they share.

5. Platform for expression

Social media enables one to exercise their freedom of expression fully. This is a platform which one can discover their creativity by just sharing about their passion. It gives them room to say what they fear to tell their friend or loved ones, because here they feel secure enough to pour their hearts out. Social media gives room them room to vent.

Negative impacts of Social media on Mental health

1. Cyberbullying

Social media provides a platform where many will be harassed and abused. This intimidation and being demeaned makes them feel unworthy and they will always feel low about themselves. Cyberbullying lowers the confidence of a person and in the end this has severe psychological effects.

2. Infringement on privacy

When you learn that your data was used elsewhere or sold to a third party to be used for promotions it will never sound good. So is the story of a hacker who steals your data and uses it to blackmail you into paying ransom or using it to solicit for funds from your associates.

3. Unworthy competition

Social media creates expectations and people from the same vicinity will be fighting to gain relevance. This will not be a competition to succeed but to outdo each other on who has many followers on their page, or who has the most comments. This affects the mind and the way a person is thinking.

4. Influence on behaviour

Many people live the lives they see on the social media. They want to achieve that perfection and will do anything to achieve it. If they are playing a game and it reaches a point they are asked to do a certain activity, they will go ahead and do it without asking any questions. They are ready to please their influencer. The influence that social media has on the younger generation is immense. Sometimes it is a negative influence that drives many into depression.

5. Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO)

Your social media feed can be curated to constantly show you how successful others are. Influencers will be sharing pictures about their successful lives or videos engaging in activities like giving back to the community. This is meant to trigger your mind to think that you can also do this. The fear of you missing out on such things will lead you into depression because you will be always stressed.

6. Addiction

Social media is addictive and will have a negative effect on the lifestyle of the person. A person may forego an important activity because they are following something on social media or playing an interesting game. Also being addicted to social media can have adverse effects on the sleep pattern of a person. Sleep disruption leads to mood swings and anxiety which in the end affects the mental well being of a person.

Strategies to Managing Social Media Influence

1. Work on your content

Not every content on the social media must be in your feed. You must be able to curate your feed and get rid of content that breeds negativity in you. Do not read everything that pops up on your screen, look out for the content that will build you and make you a better person.

2. Set boundaries

Have boundaries, do not connect with everyone you see on social media pages. Some people are out there to play with people’s minds and feelings. Their intention is to kill the ambition of others by cyberbullying them. By limiting yourself, you will save more than what comes with connecting with such people.

3. Focus on the right platforms

Understand what you need in life and look for the sites which can make you achieve that. Not all websites are good but there are those which will give you the right information that you want. Make sure to focus on the right websites which will enhance your self-esteem and promote your mental well-being.

4. Spend more time offline

Social media can connect you with good people from all over the world. However, it is also good to spend more time with your offline friends. How many times have you visited that old man in your village? When did you last have a conversation with that guy who has been feeling unwell for long? When did you participate in communal work last? These may seem simple questions but in fact have far reaching consequences. By answering them, you will get to know if you have been up to speed with is happening in your neighbourhood or not.

5. Prioritize mental well being

The best way for you to maintain your mental well being is to make it a priority. Walk away from anything toxic and just concentrate on positivity. While on social media, look for sites that makes you feel better, gives you new skills or information that changes your life for the better.

6. Seek help

Sometimes you can do everything stated above but still social media gets to influence your life negatively. There is nothing wrong in coming out and seeking for help. By talking about it, you can get the help you need. There are many others who have been there and came back, they can be of great help to you. You just have to open up.


Social media is a game changer and has made information easily accessible. Its impact in the world of communication cannot be underestimated. To many people, social media has changed their lives for the better while others have been pushed into depression because of their interactions with it. It has revolutionized the way we interact with others and connected many to resourceful information. Right now, anyone can learn a new skill or a course by the tap of a button. Likewise, it has provided social support for many by giving them the chance to connect with others who can relate with them well. Also, those who are creative have been able to walk to the bank smiling because of their content in the social media. However, social media has its shortcomings too.

Cyberbullying has led many to have mental problems. Moreover, many want to live like the socialites but they are not able to access such a life. This in turn breaks their heart, leading into depression. There is also the problem of data privacy. Hackers have always used social media to access other people’s information which they use to blackmail them for money. In other circumstances they sell the data for other uses and this leads to stress. But in all this, there is a ray of hope because you have the control over social media.

By curating your feed, you can be sure that what comes up is the content that you are comfortable with. Always look out for the content that builds you, or makes you learn something new. Connect with people who will change you for the better. Have boundaries so that those you interact with will know how far you can go. Also, spend more time offline because your life is lived physically and not online. Have in mind that it is good to seek help when you feel you cannot cope with the influence of social media. There is no harm in speaking out because sometimes during the times of our vulnerability is when the hand to lift us up stretches out to us. Do not let social media control your life, but control it instead.

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