How to Find Inner Peace and Happiness Within Yourself?

How to Find Inner Peace and Happiness Within Yourself?

Everyone wishes to have that inner peace and experience happiness every day but sometimes it becomes challenging. Inner peace brings joy to the soul and calms the mind.  The person who finds inner peace will impact positively on others.

So first we should understand what inner peace is and how to find inner peace and happiness.

This article will share how you can find inner peace and happiness in your life and also why achieving it is a process. Read on to find ways of achieving glorious self-contentment.

Ways to Find Inner Peace and Happiness

Below are ten ways to fine that blissful contentment you have been looking for.

1. Understand your Emotions.

2. Forget the Past.

3. Own up Your Mistakes.

4. Be Grateful.

5. Find Your Purpose.

6. Let go of Toxic Relationships and Embrace Positivity.

7. Prioritize Self-care.

8. Exercise.

9. Find Friends to Spice up Your Life.

10. Be Yourself.

Understand Your Emotions

Emotions change every time and for one to achieve inner peace it is vital to strike a balance between positive and negative emotions. Emotions change depending on our thoughts and the environment we are in. To find inner peace and happiness, you have to think positively in any situation you find yourself in because if you think negatively, you will not be able to control your emotions. To achieve emotional stability you have to accept that every day is different and that you must have positive and negative thoughts in your mind. But which one will you give space and nourishments, the positive or the negative thoughts. When you think positively then you will be able to see the goodness in every situation you find yourself in even if it is an appalling situation.

On the other hand, giving space to negative thoughts will make you pessimistic about anything and everything in life. Negative emotions will weigh you down same way positive emotions will strengthen you. To be happy, you have to control your emotions or they will control you. Learning how to control your emotions will be a great factor in finding that inner peace you long for and this in turn will bring you happiness.

Forget the Past

In the journey of life if you keep looking back you drain the energy you need to reach your destination. Every goal has a starting point and once you take the first step then fix your eyes on the goal or you will loose balance and fall off track if you walk while looking back. Same way, thinking about the pain you went through will not earn you peace of mind. Looking at the scars will make the pain fresh and drain your positive energy. The past is gone you only got to think of today and tomorrow and focus on how to make it better.  The scars should remind you of how strong you are but not make you think that you cannot make it or keep worrying about today and tomorrow.

The past is always intrusive and if not cautious will have you in its clutches. Do not give the bad memories a chance in your mind because it will engulf your plans and blur your vision. The past has to say in the past, and to move forward you have to resolve past issues and sorrows. Your mantra should be “Forward ever Backward never”.

Own up Your Mistakes

A strong man is the one who takes responsibility for his mistakes and makes amends for them. No one is infallible but a remorseful heart is a contented heart. When you accept the fact that you can make mistakes and always seek to take corrective measures then you will be a free person. Many people take vulnerability as a sign of weakness, while it is in fact a sign of strength. Embracing vulnerability can help you nurture your self esteem and understand the boundaries of your character traits without encroaching on the freedom of others.

When you wrong someone apologize to them genuinely and when you wrong yourself forgive yourself and be free of the guilt. Finding excuses for the mistakes you make will be a burden in your heart but when you confront them then you will have no load to carry in your heart. A free person is a happy person. When you seek forgiveness, then your heart will be at peace and you will be happy.

Be Grateful

Showing gratitude doesn’t have to be acknowledging the big victories someone helped you to win but also being thankful for the small things in life that people do for you every day. Even when one finds time to check up on you be thankful. Or someone invites you for lunch or dinner. This may look a small but when you thank the person it will mean the world to them, you will show them how appreciative you are. Instead of focusing on the negative side of life you can instead shift gears to positive things and be mindful of the blessings you have.

Always acknowledge the good things happening to you and remember to thank those who have been with you through thick and thin when they are alive, for no one needs the roses when the sun is down. Seeing the positive side of things doesn’t come easily, one has to cultivate a positive attitude and it takes time. But once you have a positive attitude, then nothing will make you feel sad again in life for you will acknowledge that everything happening under the sun has a reason behind it. Appreciating the positive things you get from other people will give you inner peace and happiness.    

Find Your Purpose

A man without a vision is a dead man. Everyone coming to the world has a purpose to fulfill before the end of their pilgrimage, and everyone who finds their purpose lives an enlivened life. For you to achieve inner peace, you have to know what your purpose in life is and fulfill it. The feeling of having achieved your purpose in this world hits different during old age. Without achieving it however one will live his sunset years in regrets and resentment.

The first step to understanding your purpose is to know what you really care about in life. Maybe you want to uplift the vulnerable, fight for human rights or freedom of expression, pour your heart and thoughts to the world through writing. When you find what you genuinely care for, then you will have found your purpose. The purpose will be your goal, and having specific goals will give you a sense of happiness and satisfaction. One can have personal or professional goals or both at a go. A personal goal has got everything to do with achieving what you have set for yourself and the impact is largely felt by you. However professional life is what you do for wages and mostly the impact falls on others or the organization if you are working for one. Professional goals might be the vision and objectives of the organization you are working for. Finding the reason why you exist and fulfilling that reason gives you inner peace and happiness.

Let go of Toxic Relationships and Embrace Positivity

Build relationships with likeminded people who embrace positivity. Birds of the same feather flock together, so the conduct of the people who surround you will have a significant impact on your mental health and character. Do you walk with people who are focused or those who think negative? Is the circle of your friends strong enough to hold you up in case of a mental breakdown or they will run away at the first sign your pockets are dry?  Those you have relations with should be able to support you and your dreams. They should also be genuinely happy for you when you are successful. Being in a toxic relationship is a drawback on your goals since you cannot move forward because your loved one is draining you instead of rejuvenating your mind and spirit. So let go of negative people in your life and cut off toxic ones without remorse.

 It is better to loose friends now than live regretting why you didn’t achieve your dreams. Never try to find an excuse of letting toxic friends be in your life because they will eat up the little of what you have and leave you exhausted and without a purpose. When you let go of negative people in your life, you are able to move freely up the ladder of success. This gives you a feeling of joy and your mind will be at peace.


To calm your nerves you have to exercise. Doing simple exercises like a morning run or hitting the gym helps you keep fit and also reduce the risk of diseases. A person who engages in morning exercises will have a blissful evening. Make a schedule for a daily exercise and follow it strictly. And while at it, you also have to be careful with your diet by avoiding junk food.  By exercising, you are opening up your veins for blood to flow smoothly and cutting off calories and fats which may block your veins. The blood circulation helps enough oxygen to reach your brain and your mind will relax and be at peace.

Prioritize Self-care

No one will care about you the way you want to be cared for, you have to get out of your comfort zone and practice self care. Self care is important for your mental wealth being and managing stress. Practicing self care activities like nature walk, reading a book, exercising or eating a healthy meal and many more can also help reduce the risk of diseases. These activities might seem small but in fact they are crucial components to a balanced life. Self care activities should be a daily routine.

By caring about your physical and mental health, you are setting a standard where others will have to abide by.  When you care about yourself then others will have no choice but to respect your dignity.

Find Friends to Spice up Your Life

No man is an island and staying away from friends and loved ones is not a sign of strength but will result in a state of loneliness. Friends do not only help you get by but also make you live easily by looking at the world differently. True friends will support you and keep you on the right track as you pursue your dreams, so you have to know what types of friends to keep.  Make friends with those who will push you further up the staircase because they are genuine and happy when you succeed. They will celebrate with you on your triumph and they become a wall to guard your success. They are not afraid to walk with you into the storms or hold your hand up when everything in your life is crumbling down. When you have friends like that, then you will face each day with courage because you know someone got your back. Knowing you got help will give you inner peace and joy.

Be Yourself

In life you must have a stand and believe in yourself and never let anyone make you compromise your dignity. It is better to stand alone and follow the right path than follow the crowd blindly and fall because you want to please others. By living your life based on the measures handed down to you by others you will be living a lie. The world respects those who stand up to it no matter the circumstances. Many will hide their true feelings and aspirations because they want to please their friends or they fear to be ridiculed for being aggressive and too forward. But we live once and we got to live right.

By making your stand known to the world, you will be telling everyone to respect you for whom you are and that your honor cannot be bought. Knowing that you can stand your ground for what you believe in gives you happiness and inner peace.


In conclusion achieving inner peace is a process and the above mentioned practices will help you achieve it. These practices will contribute to your mental well being and happiness.  What you have to do is to understand that in everything you do, your happiness should come first. You cannot make someone else happy if you are not happy yourself.  When you got joy and happiness within yourself, then you are able to pass it on to others, just like a candle lighting another one without its light going off.

Inner peace is achievable, but you have to make a decision to pursue it. Removing toxic people from your life and engaging in activities which bring joy to you will make you have inner peace and happiness. Always pursue inner peace and happiness by minding your own business and never stepping on people’s toes. You should respect others way you want them to respect you.  Always know your life is yours to live and no one will live it for you. By doing the right things in life and controlling your emotions, then you will find inner peace and happiness.

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