How to Find Your Purpose?

How to Find Your Purpose?

Ever felt something is amiss in your life? Like you are just getting by but there is something that you really want to do? Have you been struggling with anxiety trying to find the reason of your existence?

Then you are in the right place. This article will tell you and many others on the same boat with you, know how to find that purpose and the obstacles that can prevent one from finding that purpose.

Purpose is what makes you do what you want to do, the reason that motivates you to create a vision of your life.

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Ways to Find Your Purpose

Ask yourself what You care about more

There is something that you care about in life, which you are passionate about doing and you never even want to be paid. There is a feeling that drives you to meet the gap you see and help bring a better change to the world. This passion you have, that feeling which pushes you to do extraordinary things is the reason for your existence. Purpose is the reason why you are in this world. When you get to answer the question of what you care about most, then you get to find your purpose. By fulfilling your purpose, you get to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Understand your strengths and weakness

You must know in which area are you gifted for you to know why you exist. Many people struggle a lot to find their life purpose and they always seem lost and overwhelmed. By getting to know your gifts will you be able to put it into practice and give meaning to your life. Everyone is gifted differently we are not all the same. When you become aware of your strengths, then you can use them to help others out and bring positive values to the society. The weaknesses also help you to know which areas to seek support because no one can do everything by themselves.

Have a vision

A man without a vision is a lost man.  Write down your vision and let it communicate to you every day.  Set achievable goals with clear timelines and break them into smaller actionable tasks and work on them. Keep a track of your progress and if you see that you are going off track, take a break, re-evaluate your steps and find new ways to achieve your goals. The vision you have should make you get out of bed every morning with expectations and retire to bed with satisfaction

Have a mission statement

What do you want to be remembered for when you leave this world? The legacy you want to leave behind is what will give you your mission. Having a written down personal mission statement will keep you focused on your purpose. Crafting a mission statement also sets clear rules of engagement between you and those who will join in to help in your mission. It will help elaborate what you stand for and rally support behind your dreams and goals.

Build networks

By building alliances and networks you are helping yourself experience new things that may be of interest you. Workshops and seminars can help shape your career paths and place you on the right track to fulfill your purpose. Be quick to create friendships with visionary people because walking with giants makes you a giant too. Always get time to attend events that are of interest to you and where you can get to experience pure happiness. Where you feel happy is where you find your purpose.

Take a self growth journey

Being aware of your reason of existence is not enough, you must take steps to grow yourself and explore your believes.  Take a personal challenge to learn something new every day that helps accelerate the discovery of your purpose.


When you serve others you give a meaning to your life. The experiences you share and activities you do together enlivens your life. Find volunteer opportunities around you and immerse yourself in their activities and you may find something that will be of interest to you.

Seek feedback from friends

To gain new insights on your abilities and purpose it is good to get genuine feedback from those who are close to you. Try to seek feedback from your colleagues, friends and loved ones. They will tell you how they feel and think about your actions with sincerity and openness. This helps you re-evaluate your life. Get out of your comfort zone

Visit new places

New places will give you inspiration and open your life to endless possibilities. When you visit new places or experience different cultures, something may come up that will spark an interest in you. New places give you a different perspective about life, and you get to have a different way to look at the world. All these lay a foundation for self awareness and you gain inspirations which can drive you to understand what you want to achieve in your life and what you want the world to remember you for. Trying new things will help you discover hidden talents.

What Can Hinder You From Finding Your Purpose?

Fearing to have a stand

When you fear to make your stand known then you will just flow with the wishes of others and never get a chance to achieve your purpose. When you don’t have a stand, then you sway where the wind blows and every challenge you meet in life will have you in its clutches. Do not hold yourself back from showing your true self because the world is not the place for the faint hearted.

Fear of failure

Failure is not final because the one who tries and fail is better than the one who doesn’t try at all. It is ok to feel scared but that should not make you inactive. It is good to try and fail because it is part of the learning process. Work on your failures and grow. When you fail the first time, the second time you do it you know what to and what not to do. Research the lives of those who have been successful and you will get to know that they didn’t start life on a silver platter. It was through sheer hard work and patience that they reached where they did. They are no different from you, and when you shake off your fears you can also do it.

 Trying to please others

When you have no vision then others will make decisions for you. By trying to please others you will be putting your dreams and goals on hold and this negatively impacts on your life purpose. Live your life based on what you belief in and stand for, not how the world wants to see you. Those who have made great strides in life and enriched the world with their stories are those people who faced their fears and fought for what they believed in. Do not live by others wishes, but live according to your own wishes so long as you do not infringe on the rights of others.

Expectations from the society

There are norms and culture the society normally wants us to follow. Sometimes this conflicts with our beliefs and stands. When you find yourself in such a situation, you must understand that your values supersede what the society expects from you regarding your dreams and vision. The society may draw their expectations because of envy or because they are trying to bring you down and you must know how to discern all these. One factor remains constant, human being will always complain whether you are good or bad towards them.

Hiding your mistakes

Because you want everyone to see you as a perfect person, then you hide your errors and only let the world see the good side of you. But what will happen when they get to know the truth. They will never trust what comes from your mouth again. It is better to face the world being the true you instead of pretending to live someone else’s life. Do not get stuck with feelings of perfection but step forward and find a way to your purpose.

Being impatient

When you are not patient, you will want to achieve success overnight because someone else in the same line as you is successful. When you compare yourself with others, you will be trying to live their lives and this will be counterproductive to you. Do not arrogate yourself the journey of others. Everyone has their own journey to take, their own life to live and their own challenges to overcome. Work on your challenges and work towards your destination without comparing your life with others.

Final Thoughts

As outlined above, finding your life purpose is a journey. You have to get out of your comfort zone and enter into the battle front if you want to discover who you really are. The tips given in this article will help you achieve your purpose if you put them into practice. Apply the above strategies to rediscover yourself and understand that you may meet different people who will shape or change you. Be always open minded and brave to fight for what you belief in by staying true to your purpose.

In this journey remember that patience is the key. Be consistent with what you believe in and never let others make the decisions for you. They may advice you but the journey is yours to take and therefore live according to your will.

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