How to Help Someone With Porn Addiction?
Technology has improved the way of communication worldwide and as such news and information travel fast, reaching a wider audience. Due to this, porn has also found its way into the populace because of no or few restrictions to the internet. The access to internet has made it possible for people of different ages to access porn at the touch of a button.
However the effects of porn are devastating. This is because many who watch it get addicted and this affects their mental, physical and social wellbeing. It is an emotive issue which has caused disorder in the society and which needs immediate attention. In this article I will share signs and effects of porn addiction, and how someone faced with such a dilemma can be helped to recover.
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Signs of Porn Addiction
1. Lack of intimacy
Being addictive to porn may lead to lack of intimacy in a relationship. This is because of the fact that this addiction can have devastating psychological effects on an individual. It creates room for the person to depend on online porn content for comfort and love. As a result, they will find their partners less attractive.
2. Like alone time more
The person will want to have more time alone. And it is not only having time to be alone but ensuring that they have their own privacy. They can lock themselves indoors for longer periods of time and will not care about having time for their families or friends.
3. More internet time
This sign will be obvious because the person will do everything possible to access internet. They can even forego a meal just to have enough money to be online. And while they are online, they will hide their browser from other people because they don’t want anyone to notice what sites they are visiting.
4. Lack of pleasure
Long term watching of porn may have a negative effect on the person experiencing physical pleasure during love making sessions. This is because they will be so attached to the porn content and find it arousing and sometimes get satisfaction from it. But when they are with their partners, they find it difficult to get aroused.
5. Lack of personal growth
The person will start ignoring other aspects of his life like work or social growth. The online content will take mush of his time.
Effects of Porn Addiction
Below are some of the ruinous effects of being addictive to porn.
1. Unhealthy relationships
The person will be engrossed in the internet and have no time for their partners. This creates a friction and widens the gap of connection between the victim and their partner. Online fantasies will give the person comfort such that they will have no time for their partners. This affects the relationship since the individual will find it difficult to divide their time between their addiction and loved ones.
2. Anger
Access to explicit content impacts negatively on a person’s way of thinking. Watching porn puts pressure on the person to perform to certain standards as the video depicts. This make the person look down on themselves because they see that they cannot match what is shown. The result is stress and anger.
3. Guiltiness
One of the effects of porn addiction is the feeling of shame. This is due to the quilt that comes with watching it. This is because reality hits once in a while and such state, the person will introspects about what other people will think of them if they come to know of what they are doing in secret. This makes them have a low self esteem because of quilt.
4. Emotional instability.
Due to dependence on online porn content the person will tend to get moody all the times. This can affect not only their relationship with others but also intimacy with their partners. Emotions can control the way an individual behaves and if he lets porn control his emotions, then mood swings will get better of him.
5. Loneliness
People who are addicted to porn will always want privacy and thus ran away from any place they feel there is intrusion to their privacy. They will prefer the online world than real human connection. This leads to the collapse of the social fabric and leads to withdrawal and loneliness.
How to Help a Person Who Is Addicted to Porn?
This are ways of helping an addictive person recover.
1. Open channels of communication
The person who is addictive to porn will always want to have a listening ear when they decide to come out. And as such it is crucial to give them full attention and show them that you really care about helping them. This helps to build trust between the two of you and create a place for them to lean on for strength.
2. Be emotionally available
Listening is not enough. You should be able to cultivate a space where you connect with the victim at a personal level. This gives you the chance to travel into their world and find out what triggered them into this. It also helps you to understand them and walk with them each step of the recovery process.
3. Give room for free expression
Create a room where they can freely express themselves without you interrupting. Proof to them that you are there for them and that you are willing to listen to what they want to say. This creates a bond of friendship and they will let out their worries because they know that someone is there to support them.
4. Don’t be judgmental
Every person fears to be rejected or jeered at when they express their feelings. This makes many people to hold back from expressing their true intentions. So in helping a porn addict, don’t pass judgement on their behavior or try to tell them that what they are doing is unethical. They already know that, and it is the reason they want to change. Without being judgmental, guide them with love and care.
5. Seek professional help
If you are not a professional counsellor, it is good to encourage the individual to seek help from the professionals. Lay down to them the benefits of going to the professionals, which are, their information will be confidential, finding treatment in case of physical injuries and no stigmatization at all amongst others. But do not decide for them, just give information. The decision rests with them.
Pro- Advise
Understanding the signs early will help in tackling this issue which if left unchecked will negatively impact on the family life. Social support groups come in handy in helping the victims through the recovery process. They empower them to think positively, to come out and express themselves without fear of stigmatization. Support groups be it from family or friends helps the victim to embrace self care and begin the first step to recovery.
Therefore it is vital to help those who have fallen prey to porn addiction into leading healthier and fulfilling lives. Seeking professionals can help the person overcome the effects of porn addiction quickly.
So when you find someone who is going through porn addiction, never judge them because you don’t know the triggers, rather help them to recover. By doing so, you will be helping not only an individual but the society as a whole.
Porn addiction is a social disorder with devastating effects on both the victim and community at large. Besides affecting the person’s health, it also robs the family and friends of love, company and care as the victim will always value privacy more than being with the loved ones. It has the power to shake the foundations of a relationship and cause disharmony.
The person will just withdraw form their loved ones because at some point they will find more comfort and satisfaction in porn that what is offered by the love and care of the family. And more than breaking relations, porn also fills the mind of the victim with unacceptable images that distort their thinking.