How to Love Yourself

How to Love Yourself

Self love is an important element in the life of every person under the sun. Without loving yourself first, you are not able to spread love to others and experience fully the joy and happiness that flow with it. Love drives humanity and self love is the source of your well being.

So what is self love and in what way can you love yourself? This article will share ways to achieve self love

According to Oxford Dictionary, “Self love is the feeling that your own happiness and wishes are important”

Related : How to Find Inner Peace and Happiness Within Yourself?

Ways to Love Yourself

1. Understand your Capabilities

2. Have Boundaries

3. Do activities that make you happy

4. Accept your mistakes and apologize

5. Prioritize Self care

6. Spend quality time with your loved ones

7. Delegate some Responsibilities

8. Take a Break

9. Be Grateful

10. Visit new places often

11. Make strong circle of Friends

12. Know your Work

13. Accept who you are

14. Seek help

Understand Your capabilities

One way of getting to love yourself is by understanding your abilities. When you know what you can do and what you cannot, you will be able work on your know abilities and realize your dreams. But when you don’t know your abilities, you make it cumbersome for yourself to achieve your goals because you are not sure in which area are you gifted. You draw inspiration from your area of gifting and you will enjoy exploring your passion because you will do it with ease. This way you will not only realize your dreams but you will also be a blessing to others as well. Know your gift and use it to help yourself and others.

Have Boundaries

By having boundaries it does not mean that you build a wall around yourself and cut off other people completely. It means that you set a standard you cannot lower yourself below it. Have a stand and let everyone know that you cannot cross this line or stoop below it. This way, everyone will respect you because you value your dignity and will not let anyone undervalue you. So mean what you say and never compromise on your beliefs and dignity.

Do activities that make You happy

Do that which makes you happy and never let anyone take advantage of you.  Engage yourself in activities that bring happiness and joy to you. Go out with friends and savor the bliss of the nature. You can engage in activities like nature walk, reading a good book, listening to good music, watching and inspirational movie, jogging with friends or visiting the aged and vulnerable etc. These activities will make you feel a sense of joy and help you to love yourself more.

Accept Your mistakes and apologize

Do not hold onto the mistakes by trying to make an excuse for each and every wrong you do. Getting it off your chest will relieve you of the pain you will have by living with guiltiness and hatred. When you wrong someone make it a priority to seek their forgiveness and genuinely apologize for your mistakes. Likewise, forgive yourself for the mistakes you have committed and the wrong decisions you have made. Let the past go and forge a new path to the future. By accepting that you can make mistakes and seeking to amend them will earn you respect from your peers and the society. Happiness that comes with knowing that you are in harmony with everyone is so true and pure.

Prioritize Self care

Self care is vital for any human being. Self care is about minding about your physical, mental and spiritual well being. What kind of food you take, do you exercise daily, how is your spiritual journey. These are some of the questions you have to ask yourself. It is good to take care of yourself because no one will sacrifice their time to take care of you. Prioritizing self care is a way of showing self love. Do not do anything that can undermine your physical, spiritual or mental health.

Spend quality time with Your Loved Ones

We are all in this world for a season and with a reason. No one knows when the time to exit will arrive and no one can plan for the end of their pilgrimage because it comes too soon for many and always finds them unprepared. Nevertheless, when you spend time with your loved ones and show them how much they mean to you, you will never regret when the time comes. Today find time to enjoy with those close to you, tell them how much they mean to you, have moments of joy with them, and thank them for standing with you through the pains and sorrows you have experienced. Let them know  you hold them dear in your heart. Always spend quality time with them, because one day you will not be there for them.

Delegate some Responsibilities

They say if you cannot be replaced then you are not fit for a promotion. You cannot do everything in this world. There is reason why we have so many people with different abilities and talents. Likewise, those around you are willing to help you if only you let them. There are some responsibilities you can delegate because holding everything to yourself will drain your energy and mind. Find people to help you and guide them on what they got to do. In the end, you will have enough time to achieve your targets. When people help you out, remember to thank them.

Take a Break

When you feel that the steps are becoming slippery it is time to rest. The body needs a break to rejuvenate itself again. Do not work continuously, once in awhile take a break, have some rest, re-energize and come back stronger. Do not try to show off by making yourself work for longer hours because you want others to praise you. When the body tells you it is tired, you better listen. Our bodies are not like motor vehicles which you can take to a garage and repair. For the human body, there is no spare part.

Be Grateful

There are things that you should be thankful for in life. Everyday try writing down something that you are grateful for in life, something that you have not paid for but still got it. Over time you will train your mind to focus on the positive things in life and let go of the negativity. This will create happiness in your life.

Visit New Places often

When you visit a new place you get to learn something new and get to give yourself a treat. The world has many unique places that will give you the thrill you need in life. Make it a priority to visit someplace you have never been once in awhile for you will not only understand the history about the place but also enrich yourself with good memories.

Make strong circle of Friends

Friends are what you need to have a fulfilling life. A person without friends is vulnerable. Find friends who can be there for you when the going gets tough. Going out with your friends and going for workshops with them will help you experience the joys of life and see life from a different perspective.

Know your Work

Understand who you truly are. Know your purpose and what you are able to do. When you find your purpose, then you will not struggle. Your work is your ability and passion but your job is what you do for money. By knowing yourself, you will know what your work is and it is always different from your job.

Accept who you are

Be patient with yourself and accept yourself for who you are. There is no one else like you and you should celebrate that. By accepting who you are, no one else can use that against you. Learn to accept others also for who they are. When you are with other people, never pretend to be someone else or try to portray a different nature of you. Be always truthful and let people accept you for who you truly are.

Seek help

When the times of difficulties arise, never face them alone. There is no shame or harm in seeking for help. It doesn’t mean you are weak, it only means that you care about yourself so much that you won’t let the challenges break your worth. Always seek help and help your body and mind heal.


There are many misconceptions about self love. Others think it is about placing oneself way above other people while some think it is being selfish. However, self love is about accepting yourself for who you truly are. It is about understanding your flaws and treating yourself with kindness and compassion. It is about putting yourself in the same level you would a dear friend. It is about taking care of your physical, mental and spiritual well being.

 Self love is a skill that can be learned. Many find it hard especially if they had a traumatic experience in the past. But it is possible to learn slowly how to love yourself. What you must know is that loving yourself is not a selfish gesture but it is about  accepting who you are with all your imperfections and being happy for your uniqueness.

Let the above tips help your to cultivate self love today and you will have a meaningful and happy life.

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