Kindness Nourishes The Soul Of The World
Story 1
The world is made up of people with kindness and the unkind ones. Always the kind-hearted suffer the most, the unkind don’t. However, inside the soul of unkind lies darkness, anxiety and envy. The truth Kindness is not weakness.
Related Post: The Desert Flower
Kindness Is Not Weakness
A poor man lived in the outskirts of the village. Every morning, he would wake up and visit all the homesteads greeting his neighbors and asking about their well being. To many,he had become a nuisance.
Every time his neighbors saw him coming,they would close their doors and pretend to still be asleep. He knew in his heart,that they were tired of him. Every time that happened, he would move to the next homestead.Maybe,they mistook his kindness for begging,so he thought. He had no Friend

A Man of Means
This went on for a long time. In the same village there was a man of means. People would go to him for help and he gladly lent a hand.In every homestead,people praised him,he was their savior. But there was a problem. Every time they went for help,they would loose something in their homestead. No one seemed to realize how this happened but everyone knew where to point fingers. The poor villager was to blame. When they visited his house,they would find their lost things in his compound.
All the time the poor villager would plead his innocence,but villagers would hear none of it. They would repossess their items amidst kicks and blows which would leave the poor villager in pain. He would always tell them,they would understand someday he was telling the truth.
Don’t Be Quick to Judge,Show Kindness
Every time a homestead lost something,people would run to the poor villager’s hut. Each day he goes around the village to greet his neighbors,they would throw stones at him. They would sarcastically laugh him off. He would go his way shaking his head in disbelief.
One day,the villagers noticed something strange. The poor villager did not come that morning as his norm. People thought maybe he had learnt his lessons and decided to leave them alone. In a few days,the villagers lost their belongings. In the morning,people gathered at the village square in rage and headed straight to the poor villager’s hut.
There was silence in his compound.That was unusual. The door was locked from inside,and they forced their entry. Everyone was shocked. Lying there,motionless.was their accused. Men went outside one by one shaking their heads in shock. There was no trace of their items in his compound. No one would tell where to find them,they did not have an answer.
The Truth Always Comes Out
The village head asked them to go back to the village square and seek the answer from the seer. Everyone was in agreement. Hurriedly,everyone left for the village square. The seer was quickly summoned. He was the only one with the answer to the mystery.He came and asked everyone to sit down.
“I know why I am here. You seek answers for the darkness that has befallen you. The problem is not over”. , seer said. Villagers stared at each other,there were murmurs all over.
The headman stepped forward,”We plead with you to kindly tell us the answers we seek”
“You always blame the poor man for stealing your belongings. Today,you have not your belongings and the poor villager is asleep. So, who will you blame now?” he asked. “I tell you,your villain is among you.The one you ran to for help is the thief. Whenever he helped you,he sent his goons to steal your goods. The poor villager would waylay them and recover your belongings. But you people never understood because of your hatred towards him”. He said as he left the village square hurriedly
Working hard for a Better life
Story 2
Working hard pays.Man was put on earth to have dominion over it,and he was never to be idle. The design of the creator was that mankind was to help Him manage the universe. When man fell and was driven out of the garden,God commanded that he will eat out of his sweat and has been so ever since. The man had to go out and start to work. The work is a gift give by God which no one can take away from you. The job can be taken away but your work is a lifetime gift.This means we must work for everything that we want in life.

Why work hard
- God’s command : All hard work brings a profit,but mere talk leads only to poverty. Proverbs 14:23. God has always encouraged people to put in effort because hard work brings success.
- There is nothing to gain in the comfort zone. Comfort zone is perfect,peaceful and relaxing but nothing ever grows there,if you want success then face your hitches head on.
- After hard work it is time to relax. The ants are hard workers,they store their food always so that during hard times,they can easily have their fill. Every successful person you see had to work hard before reaching that stage. But genuine success is long lasting.
- Earns you respect from the society and your peers. Working hard is a step to success and after success,you earn friends and respect.
- Working hard earns you wealth which you can pass on to your future generations.
- For you to have a swell time in your sunset days,then you must make hay while the sun shines.
- Working hard means you are a good provider,and you will create wealth for you and generations to come.
- Lazy hands makes the mouths dry but working hands make the bellies full.
Jealousy Breeds Loneliness
Story 3
The universe has a way of paying for our actions in different ways. Whatever you do to someone today,someday someone else will do to you.
A man lived who was so green with envy that he did not want to see anyone prospering. He made sure to stop anyone who was hardworking in his village by any means. The villagers would make sure to disappear when they saw him. A visitor came and settled in the village. The young man was hardworking and lived well with people. But the egocentric man did not let him have his peace. He started a rumor that the visitor had been chased from his native home and he should not settle in the village. The village chief however was unwilling to banish the visitor. Seeing that his plan did not work,he employed another trick.
Every time the visitor took his animals to graze,the man would take his to destroy other people crops then go around blaming the visitor animals. The villagers were angry,the old men sent for the youth to get the visitor and take him to the village square. In few hours the square was filled up,as villagers bayed for the visitor blood. But he sat there so composed. When the chief arrived silenced reigned the whole place. He motioned the accused to move forward. Then the accuser and the witnesses narrated their side of the story. When they were done,the accused was given his chance to speak. He stood up effortlessly.
“First I want to thank you for this opportunity to…” he began before he was sharply cut short by the mob.
“Silence!” the chief thundered,”continue young man” he waved the visitor.
” Thank you chief,when I cam here,I was looking for greener pastures as every man would do. From my distant lands I had heard of opportunities in this village and the welcoming people here. For the time I have been here, I have learned a lot. That this village has the potential to be the breadbasket of our region if we all work hard on our farms. Also the youth of this village can greatly benefit from their talent if only they seize the moment. But all this comes at a price. We must all have a vision for our village.We must all be united. We must all work hard. We must respect each other and live peacefully. Above all,we must have a clear plan in place which details what everyone must do for our common vision.” the visitor said
“Now,about what I am being accused of” he continued “This is all a lie. Here and now,I can proof that the man here accusing me is the one who destroyed the crops of the villagers”
“Proof it,proof it” the accuser boasted
“From where I come from we are advanced in technology than here,so with me I have a mobile phone which I can use to take videos. Since I became aware of my accusers evil plan,I stalked him and recorded his every move. When you look at this videos,you can see him directing his animals to the crops.” the visitor said as he handed his phone to the chief and elders
In a few minutes,everyone had watched the videos. Shock was written all over their faces. They waited impatiently for the chief and elders to pass on judgement.
“Well,we have all seen what has transpired,the accused is an innocent man and if we had acted quickly,we could have shed innocent blood. As we are all aware,the accuser is an evil man who has been trying to bring down others since time immemorial,only that we never had way of proofing it. But today we are glad that the trap he set for another has ensnared him. So,with elders blessings and powers bestowed on me,I hereby banish him from this village” the chief said.
Everyone was happy and the all danced with joy. But when the celebration was over,they could not find the accuser. He had disappeared. Everyone went to their place. From then on,the villagers worked in unity and came up with their vision. The visitor was able to lead them out of their comfort zone and put the village on the regional map. Within a few years the village became the most developed in the region and gained a lot of fame. Now it was the time for the visitor to go back to his homeland.And even though the villagers were not willing to let him go,he insisted to visit his kinsmen.
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