What Are the 7 Pillars of Self Care?

What Are the 7 Pillars of Self Care?

What Is Self Care?

It is a process where an individual is in a position to achieve their physical, mental and spiritual well being freely by prioritizing their individual needs.

Self care is about you first others later. It is not a selfish act, but it means taking care of yourself first so that you can take care of others. This article will share the pillars of self care.

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Seven Pillars of Self Care

1)Emotional well being

When emotions get to control us, then we lose the essence of a happy life. It is okay to be in bad mood, to be angry, to cry or to be anxious. This is part and parcel of human life. Nonetheless, these feelings should not be allowed to get into our heads for once they get there, they take the mind captive. And from then onwards, the mind will be controlled by negative thoughts. This is why it is crucial for one to be in control of their emotions. Then they will understand how to get along with others.

There are many ways to achieve emotional well being. One is making true friends, the ones you can trust and will stand by you through thick and thin. Also accepting others for who they are without judging them. Knowing your limits in other people’s lives and letting them know their limits in your life too.

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2)Mental wellbeing

It is good to be strong and stable mentally. Taking care of your mind is one way of reducing stress and improving on thinking positively. The mind controls your thoughts, your thoughts control your dreams, and your dreams determine your vision. When you have negative thoughts, you will take the wrong direction in your life.

Some ways of achieving this are, but not limited; being involved in exercises of the mind like reading a good book, watching a good movie, meditating or talking to your best friend. All these helps the mind resist negativity and in turn keep the stress levels at bay.

3)Personal Hygiene

This is an integral part of self care. One cannot say they care about their life when their hygiene is poor. Imagine having unkempt hair and you are to attend an important meeting that may change your life for the better. Or not brushing your teeth and you want to give a kiss to your spouse. Having a great body without taking care of your personal hygiene is still zero work.

Some practices of achieving personal hygiene might seem non essential but in reality they are so important. Trimming of your nails, bathing and smelling good not only makes you feel fresh and nice, it also raises your stature in the society. It makes you welcomed in communal gatherings.


An eye appealing environment makes you feel good and relaxed. When you are in a place that makes you feel comfortable, you will feel a sense of belonging, be at peace . Make it a habit to live in a comfortable environment. Not only the house you live in but also your surrounding. It improves on your relationship with others.

In your home or workplace keep the place neat and clean. Keeping it tidy and neat allows you to locate things easily when you need them. Taking a nature walk, or sitting by the stream, helps you recharge. You also get to connect yourself with the mother nature and achieve total calmness and happiness.

5)Spiritual well being

What is your purpose, what you believe in are two questions that should prop you to re-think your goals and retrace your steps. Many people live with no dreams to achieve, no goals to work towards, they totally have no vision. This makes them follow the crowds blindly because they have no ground to stand on. Their steps are shaky and they always get carried by any wave that comes in. This is because they follow anything and everything unquestionably.

Understanding your purpose on earth puts you in a position to make goals and work on them. It also makes you pursue your passion and grow yourself. This makes you valuable as you can stand your ground for what you believe in.  Engage in activities that align with your beliefs and thoughts. This way you cannot be swayed by the trials of the world.

6)Social life

Having a better social life is not about going out everyday or getting along with everyone. It is not about letting everyone into our lives either. A good social life is where you can build a network of true friends who will support you when troubles overwhelm you. When you have loved ones or friends who support your dreams and are ready to step in when you need them, it means a lot.

Prioritize your ‘me’ time by setting boundaries which must respected by everyone. You need that alone time to reflect on your life and take corrective measures where you can. And where you need help, do not be in two minds, seek help and guidance because no one is omniscient.

7)Physical well being

Physical health is an important aspect of self care. Everyone takes pride in having a great body and will not feel shy to be in the presence of others. Taking care of your physical well being is one way of reducing diseases like hypertension. It also helps in putting you in good moods. When the body is healthy, then mind is relaxed and one gets to improve on their emotional well being.

A healthy body can be achieved through regular exercises like morning walks, gym, reading a book, fishing and more. Sleep is also important as it helps the body to relax and rejuvenate. Find a schedule that makes you have a good sleep and make it a routine. You can change the setting of your bedroom by removing electronic devices near the bed, painting appealing colours on the wall, making it well ventilated to allow fresh air to come in.

Also to have a healthy body one needs to have a balanced diet. Check on what you eat. Take fruits in plenty and try as much as possible to avoid processed food.


Self care is essential for a well balanced life and one should prioritize it. It ranks the highest in the tips for stress management. By putting self care first it doesn’t mean one is selfish, but a sign of someone who understands how to live a well balanced life. It shows that one cares about others too, and by prioritizing self care, they are able to help others live well also.

Today practice the above tips and change your life for the better. It is a general rule that one should take care of themselves for no one else will. The benefits of prioritizing self care outweighs its demerits.  One is able to manage stress, improve their moods and live a peaceful life.  

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