What Is the Difference Between Humility and Haughtiness?
The world is inhabited by people of various character traits and stature. Some are filled with humility while others haughtiness.
Humility is the state of being modest and not ranking oneself above others.
Haughtiness is the practice of a person being full of pride, self entitlement and lacking sensitivity to other people’s feelings or opinions.
There is a stark difference between the two for the benefits of being humble outweigh the merits of being haughty. In this article I will share about their differences, the benefits of humility and the effects of haughtiness.
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What Differentiates Humility and Haughtiness?

a) Humility
A person who is humble is filled with the following traits
1. Listens to the opinions of others
A person who is humble will always want to know the concerns of others. To them, every opinion counts no matter how insignificant it might seem. Therefore they will never make a decision before listening to all parties.
2. Cares
Humility makes people to connect deeply with each other. When the person is humble, he will tap into this trait and show care and kindness to another person.
3. Doesn’t count himself more important than others
Humble people will always place themselves at the back of the crowd because they are not selfish. Their joy is completed when others are satisfied and happy for they believe in taking care of their neighbors first before themselves.
4. Full of compassion
Kindness drives the world and melts even the hearts of stone. A humble person will always see others through the eyes of compassion, for they believe that no one should suffer.
5. Collaborative personality
It is in the nature of humble people to seek to work together with other people. They know that many hands makes work light and they will always lend a hand.
6. Understand their weaknesses
No person is so strong that he can’t break down at some point. Humble people know that they have weakness too, and they always try to make others understand that being weak in some area does not mean they are a weak person.
7. Full of gratitude
When a person is filled with humility, he will always be grateful to everyone who offers a helping hand no matter how little the deed may seem.
8. Not attention seekers
Humble people will always avoid being the center of attention. They believe that any good they do to someone they are already repaid when they see that person happy.
9. Willing to learn
No one knows everything and everyone you meet has something new to teach you. Humble people know this and are always ready and willing to learn. They do not look down on anyone because everyone is valuable.
10. Apologetic
A person filled with humility is cognizant of the fact that no one is infallible. Everyone makes a mistake and they are ready to make amends when they are wrong.
b) Haughtiness
These characteristics manifests in a person who is haughty.
1. Poor listener
A good listener is the one who leaves everything he is doing and gives attention to you when you are addressing him. But a haughty person will have his mind somewhere else during any conversation.
2. Uncaring
To them it is their interests that matter and will not take into account the feelings and concerns of other people. Their benefits comes first, others will have to scramble for the leftovers.
3. More important than others
When you meet a haughty person, he will work hard to show you how important he is in your life and if he is not there you are a failure. No one else can be above them.
4. Unkind
They are unkind to everyone they meet. They believe that being kind is a sign of weakness.
5. Lone ranger
Due to their arrogance, they find it difficult to make and maintain friends, everybody runs away from them. So they are always lonely and isolated.
6. They have no shortcomings
At no point will a haughty person accept that they have a weakness.
7. Ungrateful
When you do something for them, they find it difficult to appreciate. To them, it is their right to get help from you.
8. Likes attention
A haughty person always wants to be noticeable and will seek attention by hook or crook. Everything that happens, they will always want to associate themselves with it.
9. Knows it all
They know everything and you can never challenge them with new ideas. They can arrogate themselves roles which are not for them just to show the world that they understand everything.
10. Always right.
Whatever they say is final, no one else can go against it. Their word carries the day.
Benefits of humility
These are the benefits of being a humble person.
1. Better relationships
Humility improves on how a person relates with others. Being humble creates an environment where friendship can grow. A person can easily make friends and also maintain them.
2. Inspires loyalty
A humble soul is full of integrity, he is able to gain respect from others due to his generosity.
The person is always loyal and can inspire others to be loyal too.
3. Cultivates trust
Anywhere there is doubt humility creates trust. A humble person is able to reflect on his decisions and take corrective measures when he is not within the boundaries of norms and ethics. This earns them trust.
4. Empower others
Humility is an integral element in empowering others to shine. When a humble person gives the team space to be proactive, then this gives the team members the power to be leaders in their area of gifting.
5. Nurtures constructive criticism
A person who is humble knows that he doesn’t have all the answers to every problem. Therefore he is always ready to take in constructive criticism and make amends.
Effects of haughtiness

The following are the results of haughtiness in a person.
1. Lack of social grace due to personal insecurities
Though he may not be anti social, a haughty person finds it difficult to fit into any social establishment. This is because he is full of pride and insecure to let himself into any crowd.
2. No personal growth
A haughty person being full of pride and arrogance will always want to be in full control of everything. He fears to be led by others and thus this makes it difficult for him to grow.
3. Lack of constructive feedback
A haughty person doesn’t value feedback and thus cannot give one. He believes that he knows everything and as such he doesn’t need anyone to tell him what he should or shouldn’t do.
4. Lack of self awareness
Because he is full of pride, a haughty person will not be keen to realize his strengths and weaknesses.
5. Lack of empathy
A haughty person will have no compassion on others and will not help them even when they are in need.
While there is difference between humility and haughtiness, both have an impact on humanity.
Humility earns one trust and loyalty amongst his peers. It is a trait that improves on one’s personal relationships with others, while haughtiness on the other hand destabilizes the social settings and prevents personal growth.
There is strength in being humble as it inspires others to come forth and manifest their potential too.
Humility creates an environment where everyone can thrive; each person is empowered to be a leader. Haughtiness prevents the growth of the society because of pride. But haughtiness can be overcome by humility. Humility can melt the heart of an arrogant person.