Why Do Addicts Relapse When Things Are Good?

Why Do Addicts Relapse When Things Are Good?

Being able to break away from drug addiction is great but staying clean is where the real task is. It is  ot a simple journey. Many addicts are not able to stay sober for long, and soon run back to using drugs again. Addiction relapse is a very grave matter that should be never ignored.

The world of drug use is so tempting and the addict is likely to relapse even after showing signs of improvement. This article will share the causes of relapse, stages and how to prevent a relapse. So if you know of someone who is an addict or recovering, this article will be beneficial to you.

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Causes of Relapse

Relapse doesn’t just occur without a trigger. There are many contributory factors that will make a recovering addict go back to using drugs.

1. Loneliness

Boredom is a big trigger. When a person is isolated loneliness creeps in and they will remember how they used to have friends back then who really “cared”. This makes them go back to using drugs again because there, they feel a sense of belonging. Their world is complete when together with other users.

2. Environment

When the person reconnects with places associated with drug use, it doesn’t matter if they are still in the recovery process. This is because being in a familiar environment will remind them of what they used to do. And it can trigger them to go back and start using drugs again.

3. Craving

The person may be willing to walk away from addiction but the craving can get better of him. This is especially to occur during the initial days of withdrawal.

4. Social influence

Peer pressure is the main cause of many addicts relapsing. Meeting with friends who are still using drugs can be a big influence into them sliding back to using drugs again. They will be told that they are missing on the sweetness of the drug, or to just taste it for old times sake. And since they can’t say no to their friends, they will just use it.

5. Lack of support

A person who is recovering needs a lot of emotional support. They want to feel the love and care from the family and friends. They want to be shown that they still have value in the life of others. When they feel unsupported, then they find their way back to the only thing that makes them feel comforted, and that is using drugs again.

6. Stress

The mind controls a person because what a man thinks he becomes. So when the person thinks low of himself, then he resorts to ways that will change that idea. One of the ways is going to drugs because they will receive praises there of how good they are.

Stages of Relapse

There are three stages of relapse namely;

1. Emotional stage

It is the first stage and at this point the person will be battling emotions unknowingly even though they will not be actually using drugs. But here, they will exhibit signs like isolating themselves, being defensive or deviating from the routine self care. It is a stage where self doubt begins as the person will start lowering their dignity by thinking that they are not of value.

2. Mental stage

During this stage the person will actually be thinking of using the drugs again just for old times sake. Their minds will be wandering to the days when they were using the drugs and how happy they were. This is where the cravings set in.

3. Physical stage

If the person doesn’t address the mental relapse stage, then the physical stage sets in where they will actually use the substance. They will not care about how others will take them or what they will doing to their health, all they want is to enjoy themselves. At this point all they need are quick interventions.

Ways to Prevent Relapse

1. Ensure a strong support system

A strong support system involves giving them attention and being there during every step of the recovery process. Involve them in the activities of the family and even in decision making. Make them feel safe to express their concerns and do not look down on them. Even when they have contrary opinions, assure them that all concerns count and will aid in making a great decision.

2. Exercise

Those who use drugs always say that it gives them a high moment, makes them happy. So a person who is recovering will miss those sweet moments. The best way to help them is to exercise together. This improves the blood circulation in their bodies and gets them to be strong physically and be in good shape. Exercise can make them feel happy also.

3. Change of environment

Seek ways to cut off accessibility of substances. Familiar environments are high risk because they remind the person of better days they seemed to had. Even meeting those who still use the substance is a trigger, and thus it is better to isolate the person. Change of environment is more better.

4. Practice self care

Let the person prioritize self care. This improves their emotional intelligence, making the process of recovery quick. Teaching the person to care about themselves first is not being selfish but a way of showing them that they are of great value and they still have goals to fulfill.

5. Seek professional help

Involving a professional is a good gesture because there are things which only they can do.

They are able to quickly notice the signs if the person is relapsing and can resolve the issue fast before if gets out of hand. Talk to the person about this option and how it will be better for them. By giving them the benefits of seeking professional help it makes it easier for them to make a decision.

6. Stress management

Unresolved trauma and poor coping skills can cause the person to be stressful. Therefore, it is good to create a safe haven where the person can easily manage stress. Teach them ways to reduce stress by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Show them how joining social groups can be of great help, let them find a new hobby like reading, jogging or helping out those in need.

Expert- Advise

Prevention is better than cure, so it is commonly said. So it is better to prevent a relapse than to treat it. Seek prevention ways like exercising together with the addict as this will help in preventing their mind from thinking about going back to drugs. Ensure they also have a balanced diet and a good sleep, this helps them gain physical strength. Place them in an environment where there is social support for it will help them to avoid stress.

By doing all of the above, you will be sure that the addict will recover fully and that at no point will there be a relapse. Avoid stigmatizing the addicts or preventing them from social gatherings because driving them away is like signing their death sentences. They need help, emotional support, care and love for them to feel alive again.


Drug addiction is a serious issue which has catastrophic effects in the society. The process to recovery can drain the family financially and emotionally. Addiction can also cause family ties to break up because there is no time to sit together and make plans for the future. Setting of family goals and dreams will be unheard of if a family member is an addict and more so if that member is the bread winner. Therefore, this is a wake up call to the society to take measures to fight this phenomenon because it has killed many worthy visions and broken many families.

However being an addict doesn’t mean that all is lost. The road to recovery might be cumbersome but it is worth the sacrifice. But it is good to be on the lookout for the signs and causes that may result in a relapse. Avoid familiar places or contact with people known to be drugs users to prevent the person from going back to drug use. Also be there emotionally for the addict and assure them of total support.

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