Why I Am Mourning?
The innocence of the world has been lost, where laughter once reigned is now full of sadness,
Days are gone by when friendship mattered, when people valued each other’s opinion, not anymore,
The dreams that once burned bright are now dimmed, where hopes filled is now empty and full of disappointments,
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Why I Am Mourning?

This is why I mourn, for visions have been lost into oblivion, dreams reduced to ashes, hopes vanished into thin air,
In the times gone by the old would sit around a fireplace in the evening reminiscent of their youth days,
Great tales would they tell the young ones, encounters of the great heroes who walked their beautiful lands,
This stories would be passed from generation to generation and treasured by all the people and their lineages,
But now all that has faded, voices of amelioration are no longer heard, silence and sadness fills the air,
The world has now become cruel and unkind, the hopes of many it has shattered with no remorse,
Like a broken mirror it has distorted the vision of great leaders and has brought confusion in its place,
There is no more connection between human beings, the world is now consumed by isolation where everyone fights for himself,
This is why I mourn for friends are now distant, hearts have become estranged and are now green with envy,
Where voices of joy once filled it now thrives in whispers, there now a void lingers leaving scars for eternity,
The old are left in the cold, loneliness creeps in and they no longer feel the warmth of the young ones,
The young stamp their authority thinking they have the world at their feet, they selfishly deny themselves true blessings, caring for the aged,
This makes me mourn, for riches is transient but true wealth outlives a person and good name is eternal,
Today I mourn the earth that used to bustle with activities, the happiness that once filled the air,
Yet right now the days are full of silence and loneliness while the nights have become ghostly and cold,
The love which strengthened the bond of friendship has now been replaced with despair and sadness,
These days each to runs his own hut and closes the door behind them, only to be haunted by their loneliness and fragility of life,
Today I mourn the wounds inflicted on humanity, the loss of unity, the load of unfulfilled dreams,
My soul has become weary in witnessing tears from sad faces, the pain of hopeless romantic,
Etched deep in my mind are images of those suffering, those holding onto empty promises of love,
This burden is too heavy for me to bear, my bones are becoming weak and I have lost my balance,
Today I mourn the laughter which filled my abode but is now replaced by overwhelming silence,
My soul is now broken because of the joy and happiness that has slipped through my fingers,
Like the waves of the ocean my mind sways sideways, like the morning dew my thoughts have vanished into thin air,
For I once was in high spirits but all that is gone, my heart is now adorned with scars and pain,
When I sit today I mourn my losses, the dreams I had which have been scattered by the winds,
I am reminded of the joys of before, when unity knew no boundary and friendship was of great value,
But now moments have changed, everything in life is bought and money has become the medium of happiness,
Why then would I think there will be more dreams when the world offers them to the highest bidder?
The times of the past are gone forever, never to be rewound again while the future has become uncertain,
My emotions are stirred into anger when I remember the friends that have faded away leaving me empty and desolate,
People I thought would hold my hand but have now left me to wander alone into unfamiliar crowds,
Why then wouldn’t I mourn when all I have is my loneliness, a void that can never be filled?,
In the depths of my heart sadness dwells, the weight of this mournful melodies is too heavy for me to bear,
The mountains have become steep and slippery, the terrains are now rough and strange to my eyes,
The galaxies no longer direct my paths, my hopes are now in disarray as sadness grips me in its grasp,
Where am I to run to, who will hold my hand and show me the way, who will strengthen my bones I ask,
In my mourning I have learnt a great lesson, our existence is transient, we are here only for a season,
Am reminded that nothing is permanent and eventually we are headed to the clutches of death,
A place of zero vision and unfulfilled dreams, where we lie to await the judgment of the afterlife,
Leaving behind the chaotic world, betrayal of friends and the pain of being stabbed in the back,
Yet even in mourning I find solace, when weary my strength is renewed, in hopelessness am made new,
In the embrace of mourning my heart learns to repair, old wounds are healed and in its darkness I find my light,
At the distant lands my dreams will be fulfilled and my losses replaced, my worries will cease,
For from the dust of mourning I will be cured, a new life shall be revealed in my state of restlessness,
So I will mourn but in the end rise on my feet again, I will replace sadness with joy, cold with warmth,
I will travel the world again, traverse unfamiliar territories and make new friends, I will dance once more,
For I am reminded that life is an array of joys and sorrows, that in darkness I will find my own light,
And in the end it will burn so bright like the morning star, giving me strength to walk and hope to dream again,
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