How Beauty Standards Affect Mental Health?
What is beauty? How does one define someone being beautiful?. Is it someone with a flawless skin, or a lovely figure, or an elegant figure. The truth is that there’s no definite definition of beauty and thus the adage that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. However, the world today is undergoing tremendous changes in fashion industry.
Many people are opting to enhance their natural beauty to look more beautiful. Men are working on being more muscular and having the so called six pack to impress the feminine world. While women are working hard everyday to change their figure by enhancing their faces through makeups,having bigger hips and bums.
All this so as to impress the male figure. More often,all these efforts have a short lived happiness,and sooner than later,age gets up and the figure rapidly changes with wrinkles all over. But why do people go this far in trying to get more beautiful? What really drives their urge to want to look better than the next person?.The answer is simple,human being by nature wants to dominate.
Beauty is good but natural beauty is better. One feels bad when they buy a new cloth and no one notices ,another one is sad because they used a makeup and no person compliments them. At the end of the day,the person feels so downgraded that they think they are not worth living anymore.
This is because they tie their beauty to their life. If people notice them and make compliments, then it gives them happiness, if not it means they did something wrong. A woman will feel nice when they walk around and men make gestures and whistles. Many people nowadays go to extreme measures in the beauty world, to impress the people who care less about them ,and in then end bring misery to their lives.
Before doing something to impress someone, ask yourself, would they do the same thing? Most often they won’t.
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How Beauty Standards Affect Mental Health?

1. Many people use a lot of money to buy expensive clothes and enhance their figures because they want to remain in the top league in their circle of friends. Under the pressure of impressing people,they find out that nobody really care about the way they look but their inner-selves. In the end they get depressed because no one notices their efforts.
2. Men want six pack figure, they exercise some use drugs to enhance their muscularity. They do this to impress women in their social circle. The honeymoon does not last long. Age comes knocking,figure changes,and soon they man becomes pot bellied. Everything he worked for becomes a passing cloud. No one compliments their figure anymore and this affects them mentally.
3. Women like to look good and pampered, it’s their nature. They spend a good amount of the their earnings in trying to achieve this. In trying to impress men around them most take the route of makeups and increasing their figure size, sometimes through drugs. In the end, the men they try hard to impress look the other way and they realize their efforts have gone to waste.
The statistics show that people do take cosmetics and personal care as a serious business. This puts the fashion industry to be among the top profit making industries globally. But while doing all that, the industry also has its own shortcomings.
First it takes up a sizeable part of a your monthly budget. The amount used to buy clothes and beauty products is almost a quarter or a third of a household’s monthly budget. Secondly, it takes a lot of your time. A woman can spend hours in front of a mirror preparing herself when a man asks her out, but still comes out complaining that they don’t look good or they forgot something. Thirdly,it gives you pressure to want to belong to a certain class.
One will work hard to fit into a class of people,they would buy similar clothes,wear same makeup,go to same hotels,just because they want to belong. But in reality the other party won’t even notice their presence. They waste their energy for nothing. Fourthly, it affects the way you think.
Many people buy things they really don’t need in life because their friends liked them. They will do something because someone said its good. In the end,they are really living through what their friends think and not what they themselves actually thin or want.So what to do?How should one cope with the pressure?
1. Understand that you are beautiful the way you are. Not everyone will love or like you but someone will always want to be by your side. Instead of trying to impress the whole world,work hard on making yourself and that someone happy.
2. Everyone wants to feel a sense of belonging. But you cannot belong to all the classes of people. Others are well financially while others have power. Some have strong family ties while others are finding their own way.Find a class that suits you and where you really don’t have to fight to get noticed.
3. Time changes everything. What you try to do today will be outdated tomorrow. Be the simple you and life will be so sweet. In the next few years the face you have will be wrinkled,and you won’t like what you see in the mirror. So have that in mind.
4. Do not savor the delicacies of life when you can’t afford them. Do not use all your money to buy clothes you don’t need so as to impress people you don’t know. Just be you and real friends will be by your side.
5. Become a me first person. In everything you do, make sure it impresses you first. When you get a new hair cut, wear a new clothe, get a new pair of shoe, its because you want it and not your best friend. This way you will have a peace of mind even when no one compliments you.
In conclusion, everyone is in the race to look good and this is what makes the beauty industry a profitable business. While doing all this, many forget that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Therefore, don’t work on your beauty because you want to impress someone, rather do it to impress yourself.
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